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put into 예문


  • Music isn't something that can be put into words.
    음악은 단어로 표현할 수 있는 게 아니죠
  • Operation bodyguard took yonks to put into place and you...
    작전 경호원이 얼마나 오랫동안 이 일을 준비했는데, 당신이...
  • The phone was put into Clark's mouth postmortem.
    범인이 클락의 사후에 입에 넣은 거예요
  • He wanted it to be put into lockup.
    그는 이게 창고에 들어가길 원했던 거에요
  • I mean, the hours his ruined hands put into this.
    아빠가 이걸 만드시는 동안 얼마나 아프셨을까
  • 26 years we put into this place, built it from nothing.
    여기에 26년의 세월을 쏟아부었어. 맨바닥 부터 시작했지.
  • The Sokovia Accords were put into place, and...
    Sokovia 협정은 제자리에 놓 였고...
  • With your reputation and the money I'll put into promoting you,
    당신의 명성과 내가 당신에게 투자할 돈이면
  • I've never seen an intramedullary rod put into a femur.
    대퇴골수 내 고정술은 처음 보거든요
  • The plan that rick put into place
    릭이 착수한 그 계획이
  • It is difficult to put into words...
    제가 라마누잔에게 진 신세는
  • Well, all of that money was put into a trust.
    재산이 전부 신탁으로 넘어가서
  • "The plaques and citations can now be put into escrow." It's unbelievable.
    "내년 문학상 수상자가 결정된 듯하다"
  • Drawing the dots mean that a spirit is being put into the statue.
    불상의 눈에 점을 찍는다는 말이오
  • And finally put into my hand by a Dutch trader,
    1년만에 우리에게 전해줬지
  • I couldn't have him sabotaging everything I worked so hard to put into motion.
    방해하지 않을거라고 했어 모든걸 일한건 나야
  • There is a contingency plan I wish to put into place, to nullify the threat.
    위협을 무효화하기 내가 장소에 투입 할 비상 계획이있다.
  • Whatever paranoia you've put into him is done, just by picking him up.
    어떻게 보일지 생각해봐 돔 저 사람이 무슨 짓을 했다고 상상하는지는 모르겠는데 이제는 그만해
  • put into our relationship?
    우리 관계를 위해서...
  • But that someone should offer as much for his share as Francis first put into it?
    근데 누가 프란시스가 처음 투자한 금액을 알고 이런 제안을 했을까요?
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